EnerGold World’s ONLY Pure-Gold-Based M-State Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS! No Salt, Dyes, or Fillers!




  • The WORLD’S ONLY ORMUS CONTAINING PURE GOLD! Proven By University Physicists Through Scientific Tests And High-Power Microscopy To Be Superconcentrated Gold-Enriched PURE-M-State ORMUS Unsurpassed In Superconductivity And Magnetic Flux Of Monoatomic Elements: Ultraconcentrated With Pure-Gold Particles. BEWARE: OTHERS’ MYSTERY-MATERIALS DO NOT CONTAIN GOLD, Which Is Why They Cannot List “Gold” As An Ingredient In Supplement Facts Labels.
  • Earning Supreme Acclaim By Healthcare Practitioners Worldwide, Including Plastic And Cosmetic Surgeons, Holistic Physicians, Homeopaths, Neurosurgeons, Wound Specialists, Dermatologists, Osteopaths, Veterinarians, And Chiropractors. See Our Many Paragraphs-long 5-Star Testimonials Describing Issues Addressed And Effects Experienced, Including The Central Nervous System, Brain, Pineal Gland; The Immune System; Cell Activity; And Many More Metabolic Functions.
  • Gold Is A Superconductor Of Electrical Impulses: Our Ultraconcentrated Formulations Comprise The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold, That Can Be Neither Imitated Nor Reverse-Engineered. Not Like Others’ Non-Scientifically-Proven, No-Energy, Dead, Matte-White, Sandy, Gritty MYSTERY-MATERIALS With Lye, Dyes, Fillers, And Polluted Salts And Sea-Water. And They Hide Their Mystery-Materials In Colored Bottles.
  • With The Maximum Amount Of 99..99%-Pure Gold, Our Marvelous Creation Is Denser With Small-Particle Gold, Mystically Displaying The Sparkling, Radiant Qualities Of Metallic Gold While Being A Rosy-Golden, Sparkling, Iridescent, Lightweight, Silky-Smooth Powder. Zoom In To The Close-up Photos Of Our Sparkling Pure-Gold-Infused Inimitable Otherworldly Marvel And Be Amazed!
  • Because Our Ultraconcentrated Formulations Comprise The Maximum Amount Of 99.99%-Pure Gold, That Can Be Neither Imitated Nor Reverse-Engineered, They Have No Expiration. The Date On The Label Is The COPYRIGHT Date NOT The Date Of Manufacture. Please Be Respectful Of The Great Expense Of The VAST Amounts Of Pure Gold, Passion, Energy, And Labor That Go Into Our Otherworldly Marvel.

EnerGold World's ONLY Pure-Gold-Based M-State Monoatomic Gold/ORMUS! No Salt, Dyes, or Fillers!
